Title Research: Art of the Title Website

Top 10 Title Sequences of 2020

 This website is something that will be very resourceful when it comes to doing my final task. It's a website that will provide me with knowledge on developing a title sequence for my film project's opening. I have to put titles and a title design into your own film. I saw that this is an online publication that showcases title sequence design in films, TV, and other things. They create a post for each title sequence and gives an explanation on what makes it good, bad, and in between. I'm researching what makes a good title sequence in the film. I am also looking into what is generally included to make a film title sequence. I'm also seeing whether simplicity gets you the best results in making the title designs. I learned a lot on this site as it also shows title sequences from each show. It taught me how and where people get the inspiration and idea on the design of the title.


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