Production Blog

Me and my actors kept true to our word to start practice filming on Saturday. I knew we couldn't film all the angles and scenes that day. We also knew it's not possible to film and observe everything in one day. So we only wanted to see if the angles and positions would work on important scenes. Also, scenes we were skeptical about. This led us to practice filming on all the scenes that required more than one actor first. We will then leave the solo scenes for Sunday. This was mainly the second half of the story as that's when most of the actors play their roles. When we were filming, we realize the park really is the best place to film my opening sequence. It's a nice open environment where the lighting is natural where sunlight can be direct or not.
We also realized that there are better trees and paths to film particular scenes. I would be noting these to see if I would want to make any changes to the story. However, everything will remain the same for the most part. I will just be changing locations in our designated area not what the actor is doing and their roles. We also observe that doing an action match is a really hard thing. I had to research how to best perfect this when it's actually time to film the scenes. I also knew I had to switch cameras for some scenes. I needed a wider frame shot for these two-person scenes. Looking towards the end of filming, I noted that I should replace some angles with others, like close-ups. All of this essentially help finalize what I would be doing when me and the actors show up on the officially filming day know exactly what to do.
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