Planning for my Music Video

                                Puth projects | Photos, videos, logos, illustrations and branding on Behance

The song title is called attention. This will focus on the matter the correlates to the story told. As of now, there will be no props used in my music video. This is because the storytelling almost entirely relies on the subjects or actors. Where the actors don't need to hold anything to make the story seem more realistic. Since the planned out love story between the two actors will be portrayed in a manner of being the most realistic it can be.

For costumes, everything will be in casual style. This includes everyday shoes, jeans, and a regular tee-shirt, or a casual jacket. They may also be in a more formal choice of clothing. Where they can be in a dress or dress shirt with trousers. This all depends on the location the actors are at. Where they'll be no real change of clothing within the same location. For scheduling, gathering all the clothes and accessories needed to make the actors look good will all happen between the days of  11/20-11/24/20.

For filming, the dates will be between 11/25-12/11/20. This is to handle all the initial shots and any reshoots that will be needed to get done. The editing schedule will be between the dates of 11/30-12/15/20. The filming location is still broad, where the location for the shots recalling the past will be in a public and open area such as the park or beach. There will be a definite answer when the actors finish rearranging their schedules. However, we do know that the main location will be in a club like area. We could easily swap out any actors that cant film anymore with a new one for the backup plan. Where reshoots can be done easily. If the weather isn't ideal, then we could always switch to an indoor open-spaced area.


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