Planning Storyboard for my Music Video

 First scene:

This is me sitting on a bed by myself. Where this will be establishing a post-club night with me contemplating to myself.

Second scene:

This is the other person and me walking, looking unhappy with being with each other.

Third scene:

We start approaching the building.  Based on what we're wearing, this would let you know we are heading to the club.

Fourth scene:

We get inside, and the other person starts walking to the section of the club by themselves. Where that is a packed area. This Signifies they want to be somewhere receiving some form of attention which is not by me. 

Fifth scene:

This will be a shot/reverse shot. Where it's of me looking at the other person showing what they are doing. 

Sixth scene: 

This will be an over the shoulder shot. Where it's of the other person talking and smiling to someone in the area which is not me.

Seventh scene:

It then cuts to her face being a close up where it shows them stop smiling and seems to be recalling something.

Eighth scene:

It then cuts to a flashback of us walking in the park looking happy.

Ninth scene:

This will be a shot/reverse shot. Where it's us having a conversation.

Tenth scene:

It cuts to us looking at each other from my perspective.

Eleventh scene:

It cuts to me back on the bed, getting emotional. Preferably of me light crying. Where I'm mouthing the words to the songs as it fits what I'm feeling emotionally. It also states what that person wanted.

Final scene:

It shows me in the bedroom type area standing and signing. Where I'm saying, "Yea, you just want attention."




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