Creative critical reflection questions

         Tips and techniques for editing a music video | Adobe Premiere Pro tutorials

1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues?

- My commercial uses different shot types, camera angles, camera movement, mise-en-scene, and a set of music to get a final product that's entertaining while you get an identity of the music and what it represents. The main shots used were ​close-ups of faces to show facial expression, mid-close-ups, and mid shots to bring a slight performance to the song being played. My music video style is narrative-based with a mixture of performance that engages my audience into a short story that plays out in a short scene. There is little-to-none diegetic sound as with the video there is little conversation exchanged where it's not important to know what they said. My music video addresses the feeling and emotions you get when you realize your friend or anyone you are close to are just using you, representing virtually any social group as long as there's some relationship happening.

2. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text?

-  Since this music video takes a narrative form of approach with a little performance in introducing the song where it told a short story and played out in short scenes, it makes it an excellent way to engage my audience, making my advertisement memorable as it connects with their audiences on an emotional level, instead of just having the concept of signing. It would have been distributed as a music video on online video streaming websites such as YouTube.

3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project? 

- As the time length on the video I needed to produce was longer, I had to find a way to incorporate a story-based video that goes along with the music I chose in a minute. I also had to edit and direct the actors differently from what I did on my last project. This made my storytelling skills grow as I had to change my filming many times and the editing skill range to increase as I did knew things aside from cutting clips.

4. How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?

- I used a camera to film all of my scenes at my designated location. Then I used the laptop to dump all the footage and import it into an editing software to edit and export my music video.


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