Genre Research: Arrival (2016)


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In Arrival, the film is about a fleet of alien spacecraft coming into the earth and hover over 12 destinations around the globe. It's a sci-fi thriller that adheres to the thrills of the mind instead of the body. The aliens, however, do not attack. They are just there. It creates the feeling of suspense that everyone feels because we don't know why they are there. It's the feeling of knowing nothing. This is what I like about the movie. It's when we are going through plots that we've never known before. This is something I would want to put into my film. The mystery and suspense of knowing something but not why or whether it would lead to anything normal. The film looks into someone having to translate their language so they can establish communication.
The clock is ticking on that person doing their work. It's because they are anxious about what will happen next. At the same time, governments around the world are thinking of blowing up ships in the sky. I like how they bring in other groups into the story. It leaves you anticipating which action will lead to the earth's end. I would also like to bring this aspect to my film. The introduction of two groups pursuing the same thing. However, the groups go about their own ways, ignoring morals and principles. I don't particularly appreciate how they involve the unnecessary background information of people's lives to what's going on. It leads to unnecessary character development. Thrillers should focus on what's happening and what's going to happen.


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