Genre Research: Gone Girl (2014)
Gone Girl is a movie that incorporates thrills and mystery. It's a film that shifts and switches between what it emphasizes and its perspectives. It happens so much that it feels as you're watching short movies put together. This creates a level of unpredictability that I want in my film. Each of the mysteries is easily and randomly changed into the next. This is an aspect I also want in my film as well. This will give you a suspenseful feeling about when something will change. I find it unique is that that the villains and heroes are not the people themselves but the stories that are being told. It's a film that very self-aware. This is something I don't really like.
The film does begin with a mystery that suspenseful where you know something is wrong. They do this by promoting a missing person case. It then becomes a murder investigation. It creates a feeling that no one is to be trusted. It also gives off a sense that the relationship each character has isn't perfect. This is something I would want to do. It's perfect for an opening scene to have something to kick a story off quickly. It's also a movie that raises questions. It eventually does answer them. I would want this to also be the direction my film takes.
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