Title research: Parasite (2019)

 Image result for parasite

What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? 

-  I got the film from Art of the Title. It displayed the film distribution and production company. Next it told us who film it was. Next the title of the movie. Next the names of the all the lead actresses and actors in the movie.

What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? 

- The images were done through a video that started from the view outside of the main characters house. It remain on this scene for awhile. This means this important. It then went down to show one of the character typing on their phone. It then went on to show the screen of the phone. It then moved on to following the character with the phone. It finally showed other people that were in the house.

What connotations do these images carry? 

- These series of images showed the economic status of the people living in the house. It also showed how these people are living while letting us see their distraught house.

How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset? 

- It doesn't really help establish a feeling what the genre could be but based on the dialogue said you can sense it might led to comedy from them figuring out the WiFi password. With all the realism we see on these people lives it shows this is real life. This may mean that the genre could be a thriller. We could see that they are poor where they might do something bad.

What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? 

- They showcase many of the main characters in the opening and establish a sense of who everyone is in the film. They also showcase the setting and realism of people living like this where the audience might relate and wanted something real in a film. With what was said in the sequence we can tell these people are funny. By having funny dialogue this leads to comedy. This means the film appeal to people who want to watch something funny.

How has technology been used effectively? 

-The use of camera angles and editing were limited and it made the title sequence looks seamless. It was just a mid-shot of the character and setting with a quick close up on objects. The camera momenta were just tracking and tilt. The editing were just the words.


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