Title Research: Watch the Titles Website

Manhunt, title sequence by Manija Emran

Watch the Titles is a project that was established to show the wonders of art in title design and from their creators. It's a website that has a growing collection of title sequences and behind-the-scenes content. These title sequences come from films, TV shows, etc. They are offering an excellent insight into the ideas, people, and processes behind the titles. I see a well-designed website that shows title sequences and the designers and studios as well. They go in dept with everything where you truly gain a glimpse into what goes on behind a title design. I went to the featured film section and looked at the in-depth analysis of their titles. It's important because I have to put titles and a title design into my own film. This is letting me learn new ideas on what to make. In the end, this website taught me how people get inspiration and ideas on the design of the title.


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