Title research: Split (2017)

 Image result for split

What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? 

- I got the film from Art of the Title. It displayed the film distribution and production company. We then see who film it is. Next the title of the movie. Next the names of the all the lead actresses and actors in the movie.

What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? 

-It were mainly images of a women who was unconscious. We also see glimpse of a man who was with her. We also see images of a tunnel. We then see images of the girl in a room.

What connotations do these images carry? 

- They tell us that something is wrong. We can see the girl be carried out on a stretcher of some kind somewhere. We see she is going down a tunnel. The tunnel is too dark and in a dim setting. We also see that the girl is unconscious. We also see that there is a man leading her down this tunnel. This all leads to a kidnapping.

How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset? 

We can see a POV of someone getting sprayed in the face. We can the girl be carried out somewhere.  We see she is going down a tunnel. The tunnel is too dark and in a dim setting. We also see that the girl is unconscious. We also see that there is a man leading her down this tunnel. This all leads to a kidnapping. This all leads to the feeling of horror and thriller.

What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? 

- They wanted to appeal to the people who like mystery. They did this by providing few details on whats happening. They only gave enough for you to piece together what you think. They appeal to the people who love scary films. They showed that something is going on where its not right. This will scare people to wanting to see what happens next. If the film genre was thriller and horror then they appeal to them effectively.

 How has technology been used effectively? 

- They use low angles shots and point of views to establish a feeling to the audience that we are watching like we're there. The transitions between each scene were smooth meaning the editing was good. 


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