Production Blog

 Michigan asks to waive standardized testing for 2020-2021 school year

I wasn't able to do much this week on my final task. I had to do so much work from my other advanced classes. There were paper deadlines I needed to meet. I also took this time to catch up on work from other classes. I also needed to start all my review work as testing dates are approaching. I have to make sure I do good on these tests as this is my senior year of high school. This means I only have this year to earn my Aice degree. I have to make sure I'm adequate enough to take some of these tests online. I also have to start writing on paper to get used to in-person paper writing when the test comes up. Aside from all that, I had to relax.
 My final task is also almost complete from the last time I worked on it. I just need people I know to help me review everything. I have to show it to people to make sure It makes sense. I also need to know any of their concerns to make sure nothing is wrong from simple observations alone. After all that is done, I'll take all their considerations and edit to make it better. I will then have to show them once more. This will ensure I corrected many of their concerns. After all that, I will be content with what I made. I will then go over all the requirements I need to have for this project and go own the list to ensure I got everything. All this will be done before the week ends.


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